Niti Aayog Internship July 2024

Niti Aayog Internship Recruitment 2024 | Internship July 2024 | UG, Any Graduate |  Apply Now

Niti Aayog released advertisements for recruitment for the post of Internship .The candidates who are interested in this Recruitment and fulfill the eligibility can apply from 01 July 2024 to 10 July 2024. For these Recruitment related information like eligibility, age limit, syllabus, selection procedure, pay scale and all other information read the Official advertisement, link is given below and then apply through the official website, that link is given below at last of this page.

⭕About NITI Aayog Department:

The NITI Aayog  serves as the apex public policy think tank of the Government of India, and the nodal agency tasked with catalyzing economic development, and fostering cooperative federalism and moving away from bargaining federalism through the involvement of State Governments of India in the economic policy-making process using a bottom-up approach. Its initiatives include "15-year road map", "7-year vision, strategy, and action plan", AMRUT, Digital India, Atal Innovation Mission, Medical Education Reform, agriculture reforms (Model Land Leasing Law, Reforms of the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee Act, Agricultural Marketing and Farmer Friendly Reforms Index for ranking states), Indices Measuring States’ Performance in Health, Education and Water Management, Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on Rationalization of Centrally Sponsored Schemes, Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on Skill Development, Task Forces on Agriculture and up of Poverty, and Transforming India Lecture Series.

⏭️ Purpose :-


To allow short-term exposure of “selected candidates ” with the different Verticals/ Divisions/Units of NITI Aayog, Government of India as Interns.

Domains/ Areas available for Internship 

l. Agriculture

2. Data Management and Analysis

i. Economics

4. Education/Human Resources Development

5. Energr Sector

6. Foreign Trade / Commerce

7. Governance

8. Health , Nutrition, Women & Child Development

9. Industry

I 0. Infrastructure connectivity

1l Mass Communications and Social Media

l2 Mining Sector

13. Natural Resources, Environment & Forests

14. Programme Monitoring and Evaluation

t5. Project appraisai and management.

l6 Public Finances/Budget

17. Public Private Partnership

18. Rural Development and SDGs

19. Science and Technologr

20 Skill Deveiopment & Employment

21. Social justice and empowerment

22. Sports and Youth development.

23. Tourism and culture

24. Urbanization / smart city.

25. Water Resources

⏭️ Essential Date of Niti Aayog Recruitment 2024

•Application Begin : 01/07/2024

•Last Date for Apply Online : 10/07/2024

⏭️ Eligibility :-

a. Under-graduate students, having completed/appeared in the term end

exams of second year I 4th, semester of the bachelor degree course and

secured not less than 85% or equivalent marks in 12th class.

b. Graduate students having completed/ appeared in the term end exams

of first year/2nd seme ster of their post graduate prograrnme or

perusing research/PhD and secured not less than TOoh or equivalent

marks in Graduation.

c. The students who have appeared in the final exam orjust completed

Graduation/PG and waiting for admission for higher studies may also

be considered for internship provided that-

•They have secured 7 Ooh or more cumulative marks in all the years/

semesters of their graduation/ post-graduation till the date of


•The period between the month of declaration of result of linal exam

and the desired month of internship should not exceed six months

e.g. if the result is declared in the month of June then he/she can

apply for the internship beginning til1 the month of December.


•General / OBC / EWS : 0/-

•SC / ST : 0/-

Pay the Exam Fee Through Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, UPI Mode Only

▶️ Duration:-

The period of the Internship shall be at least six weeks but not exceeding six months. Interns not completing the requisite period will not be issued any certificate.

⭕How to Apply for Niti Aayog Recruitment Online Application Form 2024:

•Candidate Can Apply Between 01/7/2024 to 10/07/2024

•Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Vacancies Application Form in Govt. Jobs of Career Recruitment Online 2024.

•Kindly Check and Collect the All Document - Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.

•Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form - Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.

•Before Apply Online / Submit Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.

•Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.


⭕ Apply Online: Click Here


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