HAL Recruitment for 647 Posts Apply Online VIDEO
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To apply online – Graduate/ Diploma Apprentice | ITI Apprentice
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Management Trainee (MT) and Design Trainee (DT) -185
HAL MT DT 2023
Graduate and Diploma Apprentices
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Assistant Engineer / Assistant Officer - 01
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✅ Age Limit:
✔️ Minimum 18 years and Maximum 26 years as on 21/07/2023. ✔️ Age relaxation - 05 years for SC / ST, 03 years for OBC (NCL) and 10 years for PWD.
✅ Stipend:
✔️ Technician Apprentice Trainee: ₹ 9000/- per month ✔️ Graduate Apprentice Trainee: ₹ 8000/- per month
✅ Vacancy Disciplines:
✔️ Mechanical Engineering. ✔️ Electrical Engineering. ✔️ Civil Engineering. ✔️ Electronics Engineering. ✔️ Chemical Engineering. ✔️ Computer Science. ✔️ Aeronautical / A.M.E Engineering. ✔️ Library Science. ✔️ Pharmacy. ✔️ MOM & SP. ✔️ B.Com. B.Sc, BBA. ✔️ Hotel Management and Catering Technology.
✅ Eligibility Criteria:
✔️ Degree Apprentice: 04 years B.Tech/ B.E in relevant Engineering stream / Bachelor's Degree in relevant discipline. ✔️ Diploma Apprentice: 03 years Diploma in relevant Engineering stream / science stream. ✔️ Candidate must have passed Diploma / Degree in the year 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
✅ Selection Process:
✔️ Selection will be based on the merit of consolidated marks percentage in B.E. / B.Tech / Degree / Diploma. ✔️ Documents Verification
✅ Application Fee: Nil.
HAL Recruitment 2023 Vacancy Details In HAL Recruitment 2023, there are a total of 647 vacancies available for various positions. These vacancies are distributed among the different positions, and each position has a specific number of openings. Here is the vacancy information for each position
For Graduates Apprentice
Post Name Vacancies Aeronautical Engineer 5 Computer Engineer 12 Civil Engineer 10 Electrical Engineer 16 Electronics & Telecommunication Engineer (E&TC) 18 Mechanical Engineer 50 Production Engineer 4 Chemical Engineer 4 Arts 20 Commerce 20 Science 20 Pharmacy 4 Business Administration 3 Total 186
For Diploma Apprentice
Post Name Vacancies Aeronautical Engineer 3 Civil Engineer 8 Computer Engineer 6 Electrical Engineer 19 Electronics & Telecommunication Engineer (E&TC) 16 Mechanical Engineer 50 Lab Assistant 3 Hotel Management 3 Nursing Assistant 3 Total 111
For ITI Apprentice
Post Name Vacancies Fitter 146 Tool & Die Maker 10 Turner 20 Machinist 17 Carpenter 4 Machinist (Grinder) 7 Electrician 30 Draughtsman (Mechanical) 5 Electronics mechanic 8 Painter (General) 7 Sheet metal worker 4 Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) 6 Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA) 63 Welder (Gas & Electric) 12 Stenographer 5 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning mechanic 6 Total 350
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