● Please check the details printed in the Hall
Ticket carefully for your Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Category and Subject.
● In case of any discrepancy, communicate to the Chief Superintendent or the Observer immediately for necessary action.
● Hall ticket shall be shown at the Entrance of
the Test Centre and also in the Examination
● The candidate shall carry into the Examination hall (i) Black/Blue Ball Point Pen
(ii) Hall Ticket (iii)Id Card. Candidates shall bring the downloaded AP
● ECET Application form and hand over the same to the invigilator duly signing it in the presence of the invigilator. Candidate will be permitted into the Examination Hall from 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM
for FN Session and 01:30 PM to 03:00 PM for
AN Session for identification.
● Candidate will not be permitted into the
Examination Hall once the test commences (i.e.09:00 AM for FN Session and 03:00 PM for AN Session) and will not be allowed to leave the Examination Hall till the END of the Examination (i.e.12:00 PM for FN Session and 06:00 PM for AN Session).
● Candidates will not be allowed into the examination hall even if they are late by one minute.
● Listen to the instructions announced by the
invigilator carefully. After login, read the
instructions regarding the list of symbols related answering online examination displayed on the screen carefully. No clarifications or doubts related to the questions of the examination paper will be entertained during the examination.
● In case you detect any hardware or software
problems with the computer system provided,
please raise your hand and talk to the
Invigilators. The problem shall be rectified
immediately. In case the problem is not
rectified within reasonable time, the system
will be changed for you. Time does not tick
forward while this replacement is going on so no time will be lost for the candidate.
● The check-in procedure inside the
Examination hall includes capturing of biometric information (your photo and left hand thumb impression). This is a security feature which will allow AP ECET - 2023 authorities to verify your identity and also to
avoid impersonation. Therefore, you are
advised not to apply any external materials like Mehanadi, Ink etc. on Hands/Feet Carrying of Calculators, Mathematical / Log
Tables, Pagers, Cell Phones, Watches (all types), Large Spectacles, any any other Electronic Gadgets and loose sheets of paper into the examination hall is strictly
● Adoption of any kind of unfair means and any
act of impersonation during the time of test will render the applicant liable for invalidation of his/her Examination. Further he/she will forfeit the claim of appearing for the test and will make him/her liable for
criminal action. There may not be a guaranteed security facility for safe-keeping of your valuable vices or personal belongings outside the exam hall.
● Issue of Hall Ticket and appearance at the test does not automatically entitle the candidate for admission in to a College.
● No traveling expenses will be paid for the
journey to take up the test.
● Blank papers will be provided for rough work in the examination hall. Candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination center without handing over the rough sheet to the invigilator concerned after the end of the examination.
● Contact the center chief Superintendent /
Invigilator in the room for any technical
assistance, first aid, emergency or any other
information during the course of examination if required.
● Hall Ticket must be preserved till the time of
admission into the college.
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